Keep updated with the progress of our ministry in Haiti.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Another quick update

Greetings again,

Well, I am going to try and keep something going on here now that I can!  I was looking through some of the photos that Vilbrun gave me, so wanted to share a bit of that, plus some of the kids when they were here at our place.

Right now I am going to share just one of the pictures from Christmas.  Later on, in the next few weeks, once I get the pictures organized, I'll share more of Christmas.

This picture was when they received their presents.  You do realize Haiti celebrates a bit different from the US, right?  To begin with, they have one day where they celebrate three different things:  Christmas, New Years, and their Independence Day.  And they do that on January 1st.  But for the kids it's more than one day.  They had a Christmas party for Christmas, with all of the children, the workers and families, and the committee and their family.   Then on Christmas Eve, they have a tree (in the yard) decorated with lights, and they get their presents.  Then on New Year's Day it's the big day and another party.  The picture here is their Christmas Eve service and party.
But there will be more on that in a later blog.  

When Vilbrun brought the kids over to our place, it was to measure them.  For clothing sizes, shoe sizes and their weight, too.  I created a form so we'll have a way to keep track of their growth, sizes and grade in school.  The first day, he brought the 20 girls.  I could not believe there was Vilbrun, the main house Mom, and 20 girls, in THIS vehicle.  I was amazed, but shouldn't have been.  You would not believe how they pack them in taptaps on the road.  I'll let your imagination go with this....but they all fit! 
The girls were so cute, and we got the measuring done quickly. 
Then 2 days later Vilbrun brought the boys, all 21 of them, in the same car.  I just couldn't picture it.  And we had some fun keeping these guys settled.  Thankfully we had a couple staying with us and Helen helped control the boys, but it was a job for her.
I am going to make this short and let you simply enjoy the kids.  They love to do silly things when I try to get a picture.  These were the best of the groups.  

We pray your day is wonderful and that this silly virus does NOT visit your place.  We are definitely praying for all of the kids and workers to remain virus free.  And we are praying the Lord will stop the spread and cure those who do have it.  

Let your day be a blessing to someone, somewhere, even if it's a phone call or a text message.  Share the love of the Lord and let His light shine!!                                

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