Keep updated with the progress of our ministry in Haiti.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

February update

We know it's been a while since we've posted, but things keep moving at a speed we can't believe.  Things change and move along at a pace that we didn't expect.  But we know God is in it and His hand is guiding us.

First, we were sad when the parents of Sheridane came and got her.  We had to go through the court to release her back to them.  We are sad, yet her parents must want her, for them to return to get her.

We now have hired several workers to help us out.  Since Vilbrun and Wengley left, we knew we needed to get more help with the children.  We now have 3 "mothers" who are doing a really good job with the kids.  We also hired a lady to help with the wash.  Although we have washing machines, we needed someone to hang up the clothes, take them down and care for them.  She also helps clean the orphanage.  We hired a woman to help Leah in the kitchen.  Cooking for so many was a huge job and she needed help.  Finally, we hired a guard/gate man.  Security is a primary thing, and we needed someone to be there for us.  So, you can see a lot has changed in the area of helpers, and we are SO very thankful for them.

We also have a huge change in children.  We have taken in 5 more little ones.  There are so many needs.  Her are our new additions and the situations they came from. 

Luphenson Leagard  ~  His mother has 14 children, with another on the way.  There is no father in the picture.  Luphenson is just over a year old and her youngest.  We take all the children in to the doctor for a preliminary check up.  Luphenson has a very severe case of malnutrition.  He was given many medications to help him overcome his problems.
Gaëlle Ducasse  ~  Gaëlle is also suffering from malnutrition.  Her mother has 5 children and Gaëlle is the youngest.  There is no way the mother can care for any of the children, and they are suffering.  She will look for a place for the others, maybe with some family member.  There is no man in the house.
Ruth Louimé  ~  Ruth came to us from the town of Plaine du Nord.  Her mother passed away and there is no father.
Jephtey Louis  ~  His mother was the youngest of 8 children.  She became pregnant at the age of 14.  She knew she could not care for the baby boy, so gave him up.

Kindy Desir  ~  Kindy is the youngest of 6 children.  The father went to work in his garden and when he returned, the mother had left...and left all 6 children in the house.
You can see each of these children have had a different, but sad situation they came from.  And of course, being given away was hard on them.  But they are adapting with all the other children at IDADEE.

We have to apologize for the quality of the pictures...scanner is not working properly.  But in going through all of these, we also found that we had not listed one of the boys.  His  name is Vladimyr Ficien.  Checking for birth date on him now.
Here are a few pictures of some of the kids we had before.  They have adjusted really well, and are being cared for.  All it takes is a little food and lots of love, and they are getting that now.
 Here is Claude (who is now walking)...
 And Efrayim...
 This is Makinlove...
 And Kerby...
 Jhon Peter...

Please continue to pray for us and for these children.  They have all had a hard start in life, but we are praying they will adjust and become the productive people the Lord wants them to be.

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