Sorry again for the delay in posting. I've been in the US for 2 months, but have been working toward a new avenue with IDADEE. The Lord impressed me to start with only 5 children and do some basic English classes. The committee was very agreeable and so, last Saturday I had my first class. The committee chose the kiddos I would be working with. I had Abbie (Vero's daughter) as my helper. I had chosen to use a booklet that has English, French and Creole in it, so I'd get it right.
The kids were excited when Vero brought them. And I had a variety of ages and genders. Started with some very basic words... hello, goodbye, thank you, well, you know, just a general things to see how they would do. The kids sort of laughed and did so well, then I found out they KNEW all those things. After several attempts at different areas, they showed me their booklets that they brought. Se Vila at IDADEE has been working with some of them and used the same booklet. They laughed and I laughed and I immediately made a decision.
My husband and I have a "bucket ministry". We fill 5 gallon buckets with various food stuffs, and include scriptures and a coloring book called "Kolore M Konta", Color Me Happy. I pulled out some copies of that and started in with it. It has the message of salvation and many scriptures for the children in it. The kids were really happy with that. And I will use that until I run out of pages then depend on the Lord to help me go from there.
I am really happy to have Abbie helping me. My Creole isn't the greatest (actually not great at all), so she has been a huge help. After class 2 of the kids went to Vero and told her they really liked this English class. I told her it was because I gave them Kool-aid and during a break they played with a huge ball we have. But they were all waving and shouting as they left to go back to IDADEE. I told them they have to help the other learn what they are learning and they seemed excited to do that.
I'm including a picture here of the kids and Abbie and I. We did have a good time and I was so pleased with their attitude. Here they are:
First on the left is Claude, then me, and Abbie. At the far end is Walkenson, then far right in the back is Ruth, then Emmanuela, and in the front is Dieulene. I can tell you I have some very intelligent kids in this class. They may go faster and do better than their teacher!!
I don't think I've posted on here about the addition that has come about with IDADEE. Now, a short distance from the orphanage compound, is the IDADEE clinic and hospital. It has been open for a while now and is a HUGE blessing to not only the orphanage but the the surrounding areas. God has greatly blessed them to get this going and have given them an opportunity to spread God's word in an even larger area. They are doing an awesome job here.
Above is the clinic and the right right of it, and in the picture below is the hospital.
The added blessing is that the children at IDADEE now have immediate health care. God is truly blessing them.
Please keep praying for the whole IDADEE mission and help where and when you can.
Blessings beyond measure to all!!